Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Jax - Design

I decided to start with the boys' costumes. (Purely selfish of me, starting with theirs as practice before working on mine and Dash's. But ours will be worn longer and appreciated more, so I don't feel bad about it.) Jax's is first.

He requested Anakin Skywalker's outfit from Clone Wars. I told him that I did not want to could not make the armored collar and shoulder pads like he sports in seasons 1-3. 

But I was willing to do something like his look from seasons 4-6 with some Attack of the Clones influence.

The parts of his costume will be:
  • medium brown inner tunic
  • medium brown pants
  • dark brown outer tunic
  • black faux leather tabards
  • dark brown obi
  • black faux leather belt
  • mottled brown robe
  • black faux leather shoe covers

Yes, I agree that shoe covers are lame, but I am not shelling out the cash for boots when his feet are just going to grow. :)

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